I mentioned a while back that I didn’t make a big deal about it at the start of the year, but I agreed to try to blog every day in 2025. It was kind of like a friendly challenge from one of my best friends, David Cowen, who’s done it in the past and is doing it again this year too.
I guess I didn’t really talk about it at first, wasn’t making a big deal out of it. He honestly didn’t even know I was doing it. He’s like, “Wait, you’re actually been doing it?” and I’m like, “Yeah, I just haven’t…” He’s like, “Why haven’t you been talking about it?”
Honestly, part of it I think was the fear of failing publicly. Which normally, like, I’m not afraid of that, but it was just like – oh, I don’t want to say “Hey, I’m going to do this” and then like two months later not be doing it. That’s just not my style.
So I just wanted to take a second – I’m actually writing this in late February, but I’ve got enough posts queued up to take me into March because I’m getting ready to go to DC for the SANS OSINT Summit and class after the summit as I write this. I just kind of wanted to take a second to say that I’m kind of proud of myself for keeping this up for the past two months.
Hey, 2 months down, 10 months left to go!