I promise we’ll get back to the Raspberry Pi “Chasing Your Tail” stuff soon, but something crazy hit me last night. I started to rewatch HBO’s Westworld – I’d seen the first two seasons before but got sidetracked and never finished up. Unfortunately, it’s not streaming on HBO (what the heck, people?).
As I’m sitting there watching the first episode of season 1, something really struck me about the communication. If you haven’t seen the show, it features these ultra-realistic androids that you can’t tell apart from real people. And it got me thinking – there are basically two parts to that problem:
- The brain/communication part – being able to hold conversations and react naturally
- The robotics part – creating this physical fake person
Here’s what’s crazy: that first part? It’s basically solved now. With AI and these latest models from Anthropic or OpenAI, we absolutely have the technology to build these convincing fake people that can carry on conversations.
So now when you hear that OpenAI and so many big players in the AI space are also working really hard on robotics – like NVIDIA – you start thinking differently. Something that seemed so far-fetched before suddenly seems like it might be closer than we think. Maybe we’re just one or two great leaps forward away in robotics, synthetic materials, or whatever that physical part ends up looking like.
It’s wild to think that when I first watched the show just a couple years ago, we didn’t have either part solved. Now we’ve actually got one of them figured out.